Christ's words are effective in mankind's future life (The former will be later, the latter will be first ? About the metaphor language) Human life is in the frame We human life is in one frame. In other words, it is between birth and death. Therefore, what we have learned in this life also has to be educated again when it comes to the afterlife. That means that what we have learned in this life today is to erase in the afterlife. Perhaps people are more concerned about the property, honor and status they have built than such a thing, but such things are not what God wants to people, but what the human ego wants. What God is worried about is to forget the justice we learned. And everyone should want their memories not erased. In other words, they want to have this memory in the afterlife. Because we forget it, we have to deal with in the dark life, and we have to deal with various troubles. However, the system of eliminating memories every incarnation is what God made. The reason that mankind loses memories of the previous life is because mankind committed a great crime in the previous life, and it is a measure not to remind the sin. Therefore, humanity has responsibility to erase memory. However, every time you are born again, you learn life again, failed each time, repeatedly sinned, you have been cycling thousands of years, or hundreds of years, it is unlimited. In fact, human beings were like that, two thousand years ago (At the time of the era ), God decided to take some countermeasures. Teaching of Christ What is that method, Encrypt the information necessary for human beings to survive the afterlife, incorporate them into the subconscious mind of people, Even if a man reincarnates and his conscious mind does not remember the memory of the previous life, guided by subconscious, and he will be able to live a correct life, It was that. In the Era, a man named Jesus Christ was in Israel and was teaching people. However, if this is the only thing, human beings will only learn ethics in one life. Though, it is very important to learn ethics in one life… Because true teachings, true laws are simple, mankind twists it in every age, makes a selfish law, and creates hell on the ground. And if such a correct teaching can be held not only in one life but also in the next life and in the next life, that person will not mistake his life. So Jesus gave words the skill. It was to use a metaphor. Metaphor Modern people do not know why Christ taught masses using metaphor. The Bible expresses the reason why Jesus used a lot the metaphor like this. "They will not admit even if they see it, because they can not understand even if they hear it, they will not turn back and be forgiven." This is saying "Humans do not admit even seeing miracles, even if they listen to the correct law, they do not try to understand, even if they are born again, they repeat the same mistakes". Actually the priests of those days did not acknowledge the fact even though Christ raised the dead, even if he said that "the Jews are misunderstanding the law," they did not try to change it. This also applies to modern people. Even if you are told that "forgive others", you will not be able to accept it, and even if you told "Love the enemy" or "Love others," you will not be able to do so. Even if they told the right things by direct talking like this, there is always a man who will resist. For that reason he used a method that was not a direct talk. And that word did not speak to human consciousness (surface mind). It was to speak to unconscious (subconscious) of a man. In this way, the man who heard the story is often unable to understand the true meaning of the story. For example, the Old Testament is so. Even though you read the Old Testament literally, you do not understand the true meaning of the story. However, this Metaphorical grammar makes it possible to understand "mind", not "consciousness" of people who heard the story. For that reason Christ frequently said that "listen to those who have ears to hear". It was talking to a big existence in each human being. Governance for 2,000 years People who heard the speech of Christ, can understand unconscious even if he can not understand consciously, so even if he reborn, not only one life, he could keep justice in the afterlife. For the past two thousand years, the earth was devastateds. Around 500 AD, there is a war between the Crusades and the Islam, in the Millennium, there was a the dark ages of the Middle Ages, about 1500 all of the World was War era, in recent years, there have been numerous wars, and other wars and conflicts. In such Earth, was not there a small number of people who passed through nonviolence? They suffered at the oppressed side, but they did not hurt other people. Such people were the people who heard the words of Christ in the past life. And there are such people in modern times. For example - modern times most of them are free against sex. However, on the other hand, there are people who keep the chastity. There are also a lot of people who oppress others and try to dominate themselves. However, on the other hand, some people try to rescue the oppressed people. These people are the people who heard the speech of Christ. Why was it not the whole world? However, at the time of the era, there were neither a bus, a train nor an airplane. Christ did missionary work only in remote areas - Israel. It is remote place of the whole earth. (Although it was only Israel, in times without transportation means, it would have been a hard work to walk around the countries with foot.) Then people in other countries could not touched the teachings of Christ. Why did Christ make such a situation? Why did he not sent people all over the world? (He sent the 72 people around Israel.) That is because he knew the cosmic plan. In other words, his work was not to save the entire earth, but to rescue the envoys coming to the earth. At that time, the envoys- those who came to the earth from the outer space - were all planned to incarnate in Israel. That's why he taught only people who are there and tries to return them to the world above. However, despite this, you will understand if you read the Bible, but there were also many people who refused his salvation at the time. In other words, there were many people who refused to be saved. The former will be later, the latter will be first. And, modern times. Within two thousand years, the envoys who had fallen to the earth largely left the earth, and in the earth, those who were unable to rise and evil people were left. Such people - those who did not change even if they heard the words of Christ, and those of the indigenous bad people - remain on the earth, so the conflict is not interrupted on the earth. On the other hand, some of them have learned the words of Christ from the Bible, some of them have righteousness. And there are a lot of people who have fallen from the heavenly world, born on the earth, from about 1900 to 2000 years. It was for them that the scientific civilizations such as electricity, automobiles, skyscrapers, rockets, etc developed suddenly between 1900 and 2000 years. Because they are coming from above, they have wisdom inside. However, they were those who were not on earth at the time of AD. Therefore, although they are from above, many of them do not know the words of Christ and lose sight of the law of justice. Those from above sinned, greedy of sex and want power, but to the contrary, if the villains that remained on the earth were to become the people of justice by comply the teachings of Christ, It is said that it is a state “The former will be later, the latter will be first”. Future world Then, will the future world also have to keep learning the words of Christ? One answer is "yes", and the other answer is "another teaching will come". In other words, the words of Jesus Christ in the Gospel in the New Testament, regardless of religion as a whole humanity, have to keep learning, but even in this era, things that should be called a new "Bible" are delivered. If humankind keeps it for generations of generations, next generation children can learn it and you can also reborn and learn it. By doing so, mankind realized that dispute or war was not worth the price, peace will be kept in the world. Storage However, man can not complete reincarnation once or twice. That means that it is not good to keep it only for a century or two hundred years. You must kept it for at least 10,000 years. However, the problem is that it does not mean that you just have to hold it. Today is the era of scientific civilization. Every document will be stored in the computer. So, most documents should be kept. Then, important documents may be buried in them. Actually Buddhist scriptures (not Mahayana Buddhist scriptures but Tripitaka) are not lost even in modern times, but they are not properly translated and are not easily available books. Others include "Zend Avesta" and "Persian myth", too. In this way, there are many books that exist, but they are virtually missed. You must not do such, a "teaching book" that will come from now. And it is that " Do not add it to it and do not delete it from there". It is written at the end of "Revelation of John" like this. "If there is a man add to this, God will adds to him the evil that is written in this book. And if there is a man who takes away something from the words of this prophecy, God removes what he receives from the tree of life and the holy city written in this book”. You should read the book, use it for practice, and hold it. BACK Copyright (c) 2006 Yasushi All Rights Reserved counter from2017/10/18