![]() Kindle:Vaticination of Love3 Does alien(beings from outer space) exist? (Are there other planets like the Earth?) Modern people At present, most of earthians in 2000's do not believe that aliens are exist. When we talk about aliens in a conversation, they surely began to laugh.If you say you saw an alien or a UFO, laughter will happen immediately. When an alien and UFO are picked up on TV, People who disagree will certainly come out、obviously. This is the condition of the present earth. Because the majority of earthlings have never seen either aliens or UFO. There are a lot of people who saw UFOs, but they do not know whether it was a mere airplane, or an optical illusion, a shooting star, or a real spaceship. Indeed, there are fewer people who saw the alien. That is why they are not powerful as a minority, their testimonies are not convincing, they are laughed, and eventually they will close their mouths. This is the current situation. Media For decades ago, the alien kept drawing in the movies. There are various movies such as that alien like a monster attacks the earth, a story in which the earthlings who travel the space fight against the alien, or a story about a gentle alien and the earthling. People accept alien as a picture sketch. But for them, it is only a fairy tale. Because they have never actually seen aliens. All the people talk and say: "If you say that there are aliens, bring them here." In other words, modern people believe only what they can see with their eyes or can touch by hand. This is because mankind is too biased towards materiality. When Jesus Christ resurrected, Thomas was not present on the spot. Therefore he says to the other apostles who met Jesus who resurrected, "I do not believe until I put hands on the wounds of Jesus." And when Thomas saw Jesus, Jesus said, "Blessed are those who believe without seeing." Spirituality and materiality In contemporary society, war, violence, homicide are rampant. And there are a lot of people crazy about barbarous acts such as bullfighting, boxing, pro-wrestling. In addition, sports such as baseball, soccer, basketball, tennis are popular. Every night, tens of thousands of people gathered at the stadium and are frenzied by the ball game. And competition such as Olympic Games is also a spectacular event of the modern Earth. But, behind the glamor, when we see the realities of these sports, they are in short "competition". In other words, the main purpose of being enthusiastic about today's human race is "to beat the other". Such physical strength advantage is nothing but matter that the world admits the substance is the most proud of. Therefore, it has become a society that unconditionally respects celebrities, rich people, powerful persons. However, just because of they are rich, they are famous, they have power, we should respect for them? The true value of a person lies in honesty and compassion. In other words, the real hero of this world refers to people like Mother Teresa and Edgar Cayce. It is foolish to find an advantage only in materiality. Then, are you inferior to others, are you lower than those advantageous? But if you are the existence of love=mercy, you are above the influential people who do not anything good. In this way, since people who recognize only materiality are the majority of the earth, Many people do not believe it without they physically meet aliens. Why does not the aliens appear publicly? Then, if the aliens really exist, why will they not appear publicly to the earth? Please think about it. War is happening in the Middle East on contemporary Earth. Terrorists in the area are very dangerous, foreign visitors, volunteers and the press are also the targets of violence. In other words, if you inadvertently step into that place, masked terrorists will come and will catch you as a hostage, confine you and possibly kill you. That is the area where such danger is very high. Can you go for sightseeing in such countries easily? Even if you have a noble purpose to save refugees, will not you go if the danger of being killed is high.Whole earth are like a terrorist ground in the Middle East, Please notice it. There is no day when the murder case is not reported on the daily TV news. Otherwise, only dark news such as violence, fraud, war, conflict, illness, disaster etc. flows. On the other hand, they forcibly broadcast bright news such as sports, trying to blow it away. In other words, contemporary Earthlings are deeply asleep with respect to spirituality, truth and love, and sensations are paralyzed because violence is everyday. Are ther any foreigners (or aliens) who wants to come for relief volunteers, to such a violent state ~ Earth ~ ? What would you do if you were. If you are to be sent to the Middle East where you may be caught and killed, will you go obediently? Or if your family or children are in such circumstances, will you let them go straight? Just like that, the alien also does not want to come to this earth. If they are caught by earthlings, they will be confined and dissected. The age of Edo in Japan Once, during the age of Edo of Japan, policy of isolation was taken. There were few foreigners in Japan at that time. So, even if they told that "There are 2 meters tall, white skin, golden hair with blue eyes men," they did not believe. Also, if they told that "There are people who have black skin", they would not have believed it,too. Well, is there anyone with white skin in the world? Is there anyone with a blue eyes? Does anyone have golden hair, red hair? In other words, the Japanese people in the Edo were like primitive people. Well, do they believe that if you say there are exists an extraterrestrial intelligent life entity that manipulates spaceship to modern earthling people? They do not believe because they are primitive like Japanese people in the Edo. Mechanism of the galaxy Modern scientists and astronomers still do not know the structure of the universe yet. they do not even know the structure of the solar system well. In the era of Galileo, people said that the universe is turning around the earth. Little more, they does not understood the structure of the galaxy yet. It goes without saying whether there is an alien or not, a lot of aliens exist. It is the higher alien of this galaxy that secretly visits our solar system,unfortunately our solar system is the lowest level of this galaxy. (However, aliens will not come from outside the galaxy, so that they can not come.) However, the high and low about the level does not refer only to the scientific power, but it shows love, honesty, and mercy. In other words, they are not visiting to attack the Earth, but they are visiting for relief. Just like a volunteer to save refugees on the battlefield. In short, people who are high in level are coming to watch as parents watch their children. And even if saying "relief", they are trying not to interfere with war directly or to interfere with the troubles of human beings, but to encourage humanity to awaken. Only cowardly do not believe it In the society, the tendency seen by people who strongly deny the existence of an alien is "fear". They do not only take the stance of not believing it, they are fearful of the aliens. They are afraid in deep consciousness that aliens would be harmed them if they are existed. Therefore, they convince themselves with the attitude that they do not believe it, and are trying to maintain their own hearts. Also, the characteristic of such people is "intellectual". Especially in scholars and knowledgeable people. In other words, they are afraid of "shame if all the stories of aliens are lies". For thousands of years, Earthlings are not in public negotiate with aliens. That is why they think of that there will be nothing like after that. But if the day would come to prove that there are aliens, they will be ashamed of themselves. there are many mural paintings around the world, some of it have pictures like figures drawn like aliens. The intervention of the alien is also drawn in the myth. And in fact at the former Atlantis age there were daily encounter of aliens. In the Old Testament "Ezekiel", there is the scene that the prophet Ezekiel meets the space ship is drawn. There is also prophecy that humans will live in stars in other books. And the modern prophets predict the encounter with the alien on the future Earth. At that time, those who have continued denying the existence of the aliens will be told as "primitive fool". They will be compared to the Japanese people of the Edo period, or they will be compared to the Catholics of the era of Galileo. BACK Copyright (c) 2006 Yasushi All Rights Reserved counter from2017/10/18