How can we go to the heaven? (Why are the statues of Buddha sitting on the flower of the lotus?) Preface This report explained repeatedly what is the heaven, what is the reincarnation, what is karma, how can we go to the heaven. Though it is repetition, it is explained here again. It is because that is the problem which should be explained repeatedly. Though that was repeated by an ancient saint and wise men, moderns lose sight of that completely. The system to rise We human being don't always rise into the heaven soon after the death. First, it goes to the dimension of the spiritual world. (The people left in the earth without going there with the spirit body are called ghost commonly.) This spiritual world is not a matter of heaven. That is a thing like a relay station. A spirit dies in the earth, and as it were it is born there, and lives. After that, after the death in the spiritual world, a soul is born in the additional dimension. And, that is not heaven, either. That is as it were a dimension like school. A soul is reborn in the earth again after 2 or 3 lives of such a dimension. (In other words, it repeats reincarnation there.) Then, only the person who had the seal of passes can rise into the one step up territory. Such a soul doesn't have to go to the parallel dimension again. (But, there are few people who pass at a time. That is, they must turn round there many times. Some people turn round this process almost permanently, and they leading painful life.) The upper territory Then, even if we reach one step up territory, that is not heaven yet. We can't rise into the upper world, until we get pass of the life there. If we fail, we are returned to the earth again. If we succeed, our soul can rise to more upper territory. More the top That is the world of supreme bliss to live easily for the soul, and a soul can have a physical body. In other words, we can live with both a body and a conscious mind like the earthian do. But, that is not heaven yet, either. If we can't pass through there, we can’t go into heaven. There is a thing like a barrier before we reach an upper territory from there. But, the soul must accept a thing like a fixed program for a while, before going there. The soul who passed the exam can go through the barrier for the more upper territory, and it can rise. The world where it passed through that barrier, it is the heaven which says in commonly. That is the world where Buddha called “the Land of Happiness”, and where Christ called "God's kingdom". Heaven But, even though it reached the heaven, that is not the final destination where the soul should settle yet. The soul must rise up from there step by step more. If it is so, try to think about this. The earth is in the bottom by far, if it is seen from the heaven. If you remains behind in such a world for long, you are a thing like the child who can't graduate from the kindergarten for long. Therefore, we must be able to graduate from the earth early. (All earthians must escape from the earth, sooner or later. This is the universal law.) How can we be raised? We earthians must pass in the examination of the life, for that sake, we must keep the law of universe. That law is in the Commandment of Moses, in the Buddha's precepts and Christ's instruction. But, these are being written with a very difficult metaphor. Therefore, it is the best way to analyze Christ's word and to keep it, for the general public. Christ healed the people, while he said like this. “I didn't come, to bring a blessing. I came, to bring a disaster.” That is, the person who broke the law of God can't only get a passing, but also the punishment of the karma is beaten in him, and he suffers. (Refer to " You must know absolutely the law of the karma".) Well, what is the law of God? The law of God As a matter of fact, it is easy to get a pass of the global life for human being. It is simple thing for everyone. But it seems that modern earthians become blind to apply that law. And, it seems that they become foolish in the front of emotion or the impulse such as avarice. Violence, murder ・・・ Everyone will know that violence is forbidden. This is very simple logic. Sensible people won't deny this. It is not difficult to understand it even for the people with no good sense. Because they don't want to suffer violence from others. But, how do you feel, if you are born in a country during the war, not a civilized country. (Even now, war and dispute aren't cut off in the Middle East, America, Africa and China.) Don’t you want to ruin enemies for the revenge if you have your family or your compatriot killed by the battle? It won't be unnatural that you will be like that. But, if you hurt and kill others, even the enemy, it is decided that you break God's law. If you do so, you can't get pass, but also you must owe your own karma. The sex・・・if you want to keep the law of the sex, you must not do sexual intercourse before marriage. Then, you must not do sexual intercourse with the one except for the partner. (Refer to "The law of the sex" for the details.) Before, until the 1960's, the people were still comparatively honest about the sex, though they didn't comply with this law strictly. However, at the present day, young men both the man and the woman do sex, indiscriminately. And they get married easily, and get divorced easily. Then, isn't prostitution rampant publicly? But, we can have hope, because there are many honest people, on the other side. The present day is the times of extremity. While there are rich men, there are homeless people. Then, though it is disappointing, there are many the people who covets sex, too. Then, they think that it is not cool to be honest, and think that it is smart to do adultery, in the world. Fashionable dramas seducing to do sex to the young men, and the people who aren't doing that are made shame. Then, at present, the men who propose keeping purity are none, in the television performers, mass media, statesmen and men of culture. If you break the law of the sex, you will be disqualified, and you must owe the karma. The power, money ・・・ Moderns want much wealth and fame. The entrance exam race is assigned to the children. And the adult suggests that children gets work that bring money such as the statesman, the doctor, the lawyer. Then, everyone yearns for the movie star or the music star and the sport star. But, as said first, present day is the age of the extreme. There are extreme poor people and extreme rich people. If the rich man isn't distributed to the poor people, job loser and homeless people, he will be disqualified, and owe karma. Because to have egoism is to offend against the law of the universe. To have love is to agree with the universal law. If a man has love, he won't be able to leave the people whom suffers. Why are statues of Buddha sitting on the flower of the lotus? Most of statues of Buddha sitting on the flower of the lotus. It is because the lotus flower is the symbol of a certain thing. Lotus’s root is spread in the mud in the bottom of the lake, and that grows, and only the flower comes out on the surface of the lake. That means the following thing. Though it seems that the mankind living in this world are different existence completely individually, all their universe consciousness is connected in a deep place. And, as for one more meaning. All the human beings of this world are like the things living in the mud of the lake. If we don't let our face go out of the surface, we can feel neither new air nor blue sky. In other words, “mud”and “water” are the metaphors of the negative ideology in this world which the general public has. That is the tendency that “if there is justification, we are permitted to start violence and war”. That is the tendency that “though virginity and virgin (Purity or Children of God) are embarrassing, adulterer or adulteress (children of Belial) are smart”. The tendency that “if we become famous and rich and gets high position, we are the winner of the game of this world”. If we aren't made dirty by such muddy water and if we get it over, we grasped universal truth. That means that “we let our face go out of the surface”. Then, we can know the beautiful blue sky which we didn't notice when we were in the mud. A garden to look over a lotus pond But, don't you think that it is more wonderful? if you could make yourself relax in the bench put on the lawn of the lakeside. Not only let your face go out of the surface, but also you go out of the lake and changed your wet clothes. Such people will think them to be pitiful and weird when they see the crowd which suffer in the mud of the lake. Then, they themselves won't want to go back into that mud again. To go up God's kingdom is to become such condition. Then, as it were, we who are in the earth are the low level existence, crowding in the mud. How do you think? All of us should rise into the upper world. Then, we are in the destiny which we must rise into the above, sooner or later. But, as mentioned above, rises into the top not meaning "the death". If you live honestly, have love, complies with the law of God, you will win the pass. My load is easy to shoulder. But, many people lead good-natured life, nevertheless their pain doesn't end. Such people will be in despair, and they may come to think that they rather lead a licentious life is the best way. Why such a thing happens? Why do such good people suffer? That is because of their karma. That good person may have ever killed the other person in his former life. Incidentally, according to the psychics, earthians are repeating reincarnations as much as 100 〜 300 times, on the average. If a man didn’t expiate all of his crime, he must lead the life of pain, in the next life. In the first place, the reason why a soul is reborn in the earth, it is to correct the defect of the former life, in many cases. Therefore, if you can't stand pain so you are in despair and commit crime more, it decides that you suffers in the next life. Well, what should you do? That answer is in Christ's instruction. Christ said. "My load is easy to shoulder." It means that if we comply with God's law and have the love to cherish others, karma to carry will be reduced. In other words, to the people who have good-nature and affection, and the people doing the activities to save the people whom suffers, God never makes them carry the pain which they can't endure, even if they carry the crime of the former life. 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