What is God (A difference in God, Christ and Buddha) Present condition The modern Japanese people doesn't know about God, Christ, Buddha. Though most Japanese doesn't have specific religion, they don't always haven’t religious spirit. Rather they are keen on the religious ceremony. It is because, they rush shrine in the New Year, and the event which prays about children's growth or their business is done continually all the year. On one side, they can’t answer the question, if they asked that “What is in the shrine?” or “What is Buddha?” This tendency is in India, too. India is the country which believes in the most miscellaneous gods and goddesses in the world. In other words, there are many objects which they believe in. They themselves won't be able to explain what they believe in. Furthermore, the Jews won't understand what is Yhwh(Jehovah). Then, Christians don't seem to understand a difference in God and Christ clearly. Though theologians present the origin of the historical religion, even they won't explain what is God or what is Christ definitely. They may say like this. "God is the product of the human heart." "Christ is a mere person in history." But, that is wrong. Japan, Africa, America 〜 natural God, God in myth What is the natural God whom the Japanese believes in? Some Japanese says that the things what are respected in the shrines are deified nature. Moreover, the Shinto priest of a certain shrine says that we deify Amaterasu(Goddess who light the sky), a certain Shinto priest says that we deify Ookuninushi(The great master of the country). And some shrine deifying a person in history as God. But, a person in history is "a person", and he is not God. Because a man is a soul to be repeating reincarnation, they are never confined to the shrine. Then, Amaterasu and Ookuninushi were matters in myth, and thses are the thing which expressed the side of God or God's function from the viewpoint of fable. These are hard to say as the God itself. Such a tendency is seen in developing countries in the world. In other words, we often believe in gods and goddesses in myth as God. For example, it is seen in the Pacific Ocean Islands, Maya of South America, Mesopotamia civilization, the various countries of Africa, and so on. Myths are the record that God acted in the past earth. Therefore, their belief can't be asserted an error exactly. But it is fault that they forget it's original meaning and believe it blindly, they made the wrong habit. On the other hand, moderns believe mountains, rivers, trees as natural God. That is wrong, too. Natural God is not in the outside, but it is inside. In other words, people praying to their heart of the high dimension in themselves unconsciously. "Mirror" is deified as God in every Japanese shrine. Why is mirror deified in the shrines? It is because mirror reflects ourselves. In other words, it means that "Pray to yourself who is reflected by that mirror." In the human being, God's pattern is in to each one. But, this is not God himself. The ancient people knew this fact, and mirror was put on the shrines, and they made it the target of the belief. This is the one truth of "natural God". Another countries have the belief to work on the power of innerself, too. For example, the ceremony of the dance of the native American and the African native tries to communicate with natural God, meditatively. But as a matter of fact, they tries to communicate with the personal higherself in high dimension of their heart. And, this is the truth of "natural God", too. Other Japanese belief objects, Goddess of Mercy, Bodhisattva, Taishakuten, all came from the Indian myth. They went into Japan with the Buddhism. Then, Buddhism is believed by the Japanese with natural God. That natural God is being deified at "shrine". Buddha is being deified at "temple". Buddhism spreads out in not only Japan but also whole Asia and the Southeast Asia. Then, it’s origin was in India. India 〜 Buddha The oldest Indian religion is Hinduism. This was made by the fusion of the instruction of the Atlantis and the India myth. God is called "Brahman" in Hinduism. So, Hindu priests are being called "the Brahman". This is the meaning of "the person who belongs to Brahman ". That Brahman misunderstood the instruction, and they made the discrimination of the caste system, and made justice absence. The existence who was sent by the God was Buddha to modify this. In other words, Buddha was not a mere person, but he was God's errand. (A declaration is avoided here. he was the existence of the upper rank more than angels.) Then, his instruction, Buddhism is confined to Asia at present though it was supposed to spread out in the whole world. This instruction is introduced to China and India language Sanskrit or Pahri is changed into Chinese letter and that was imported into Japan. Furthermore, Buddhism isn't spread out to Japan properly even at present because a Japanese didn't translate that into Japanese from Chinese. Originally, Buddha has his real name. (It is particularly kept secret here.) A secular name is called as Gautama Shidarta. Because he was spiritually awakened, he came to be called Buddha. "Buddha" means the awakening or comprehension in the Sanskrit. More, he is called "Shaka" because he was from Shaka family, too. Like this, he is called as Buddha or Hotoke or shaka. And Hindu gods' and goddesses' name is added more in modern Buddhism, so it is in confusion. Then, the people who can interpret Buddha's instruction properly are none even in all of the world. Because the ancient people knew who was he truely, his admirer occupied Asia, and they made colossuses. But, they just come to believe blindly to the colossuses of Buddha at the present day. Originally, Tibet, China and Mongolia and Japan and the Southeast Asian priests must spread the instruction to the outside people as well. Not only they chant sutra but also they must teach it to the people. Israel 〜 YHWH(Jehovah) The Israeli (Jew) worship Moses. But, they don't worship Moses equally to God, they believe in commandment which he wrote. They call God as "Elle". And, they call him as " Jehovah(YHWH)”. The word of this YHWH is interpreted as God. And it is pronounce as Jehovah in the West. It is because this word is being written in the Bible as the existence equal to God. But, this meaning of "Elle" and "Jehovah" is wrong a little. Elle shows "God" himself. In other words, it is the word which is equal to the God in English and kami in Japanese. But, ・・・it is difficult to express・・・ Jehovah is the existence as "God's mind" as it were. In a word, it is a part of the mind of God who came to take a communication with the human being on the ground. Though this nuance is very hard for human beings to grasp ・・・, God is the unlimited existence to administer the vast and infinite whole universe. Therefore, he is always concerned with the souls in the whole universe. At the same time, he sometimes take the part of him down so that he may grasp the present condition of this lower world. He changed a figure to one human being, and he had been to the earth. (Just like a king puts on the common people's wear, and he reconnoiters the people's town confidentially.) That was Christ. Therefore, Christ was a person, and at the same time he was God. But, the modern Jews interpret Christ as a mere prophet, though they worship Moses which was Christ's messenger. America, Europe 〜 Christ The Western people believe in Christianity. They often say "Oh my God!", or shout "Jesus Christ!", when they are joyful, in the opposite direction when they are in trouble. That is, both God and Christ are synonyms for them. It is because they have been taught Christianity since their childhood. And they came to recognize Jesus as God. And, they may know true substance of Jesus, unconsciously. But, when it is seen from the person of the outside, Christ is reflected with "a mere foreigner" or "a mere human being". But, the person of the outside 〜 Jew, the Muslim and the Buddhist are wrong. Because, Jesus was God's incarnation as mentioned in the above, and his instruction got over the fence of the religion and it was given to the whole world. There is Christianity on the extension wire of the Judaism, and originally Jew shouldn't deny Jesus. And, Jesus made up for Buddha's instruction. And Muhammad of Islam tried to make the instruction of Jesus revive. Of course, you shouldn’t deny Judaism, Buddhism and Islam. You should hold these, at the same time, you must listen to the instruction of Jesus. By the way, modern Christians are still discussing whether Jesus is human being or God or God's son. A great psychic Edgar Cayce said like this. "Though jesus was a man, Christ is not a man." This is one more answer of the upper argument. That is, though Jesus was God's incarnation, he was a mere human being because he was born as a man who had a body. It can say so, on the other side, as for the word called Christ, Hebrew Messiah(rescuer) was translated into Greek. Cayce took this word as "the consciousness of God in the inside of the human being". Therefore, he said that Christ was not a man. Jesus himself said that “I live in you if I go to father”. It means that if Jesus leaves a body and disappears and he revives for the existence of God's mind (Jehovah), he works on the consciousness of God in the each human beings. It means that it saves each human beings. (Incidentally, one meaning of 'the restoration' is that Jesus is returned to Jehovah.) The world 〜 Kami, Elle, God and Allah Well, what is God (Elle, Kami and Allah), at all? Some people say "God is the product of the human imagination." Because it is too little existence, human being can't recognize God who is too big existence. Are the bacteria which are on your skin aware of the existence of you as expected? Are you the product of the imagination of the bacteria? No, you are real existence. Like this, God has clear will beyond us, and he is real existence. And we human beings are the existence like a haze. Then, this existence of God created not only the earth but also the solar system, the whole of the Milky Way and the whole universe. Therefore, he is common God for all the earthians. At the same time, he is common God for all the beings from outer space and for the whole universe life. It is so, regardless of the race and the religion, he must be a common belief object for the earthian. God, Ell, Allah, Kami, though we express these wrong, we are pointing at the same existence. Though the form was different from the Christianity, the Judaism, the Islam, the Hinduism and the Buddhism, the founders tried to introduce the same ideology to mankind. Mankind should notice this. Then, we should stop war of religion, and we should build up peace. Summary There is common ideology in every religion. It is that mankind must help to each other. It is that men must do the atonement of crime which one committed. Especially, it is that men must do the atonement of crime which one committed in the former life. Then, it is that the person who continued crime after crime without doing atonement, he will be finally ruined. Therefore, Christ rather said that pain carries virtue. Though it isn't good to consider others' every action as the crime, and to call believers sinner, the present day is not the age when Christ's word can be ignored. It is because the age of the downfall comes next if we are making it easygoing. Even if it says, there is the time fully when mankind does many reincarnation. But, even though we keep Christ's instruction properly, mistakes sometimes could happen. At least that atonement of the crime is difficult. More, if you ignore instruction because religion presses distress and spent reckless life, you may be left in the earth in the age of ruin. Then, the people who has love, and dissolved the own crime, will be escaped from the earth and will be reborn in the safety zone in the suitable age. To be reborn in the safe world is the best way rather than to left in the dangerous zone (the earth) in the dangerous age. Because, at any rate, human beings must be reborn somewhere. Men can't know the upper world. There will be men who has a worry to climbing the upper world. However, isn't it the same as being reborn in the unknown world because the memory of the former life dissolved even if you will be reborn in the earth? On the other hand, the men reborn in the upper world can recover all his past memories. Then, he can understand that the home which he should live in is there, not the ground (the earth). BACK Copyright (c) 2006 Yasushi All Rights Reserved counter from2017/10/18