What is the angel? What is the devil? (Do they exist? Or are they the fictitious existence?) Preface The human beings of every country seem to have general idea of angel or devil, regardless of the religion ideology. They estimate beautiful person or person such as a Mother Teresa an angel. And they sometimes compared the innocent children to the angel. On one side, they sometimes express tyrants or the men who covets money as the devil. But, actually, no one is ever supposed to have seen this existence. There are only a few people who have ever experienced the vision. They said they have seen angelic existence or Virgin Mary. The mass media It is the various media to make these general ideas popular for us. For example, various horror the movies. There are many movies which such the devil was drawn. They personify the devil, as if it exist actually. And they make it believe the person who sees it. The people were afraid that the devil are really in the neighborhood. On the other side, there are not many movies which drew the angel. And, it seems that there were few people who believed angel. It seem that human beings show a tendency to think that there is fearful existence rather than they think that there is pure existence. It is probably because they know there is more sorrow than rescue and there is more pain than pleasure, in the real world. Then, many angels and devils are being drawn in both the West picture and the literary work. The picture and literature are the things from the old days though the media of the movie is a thing in recent years. In other words, from the old days, mankind have general idea of angel and devil. Well, where had creators' motive power? That is the Bible. The angel and devil drawn in the Bible The Bible is the oldest book in the world. The inscrutable, strange, terrible stories are crammed in it. Moderns take the stories as myth or the fable, not the actual. Such as the various miracles which saints caused, the Noah's flood, etc. Then, they believe that both the angel and devil drawn in it are products in human’s imagination. There is New Testament as a recent thing. When Christ is born, an angel visited Virgin Mary and told her that she became pregnant. Moreover, when her husband Joseph doubted her unfaithfulness, an angel appeared and cleared away Joseph's doubt as well. Then, when Baptist John was born, an angel came to his father which serves it in the shrine directly, not in a dream. Furthermore, when Jesus thirty years old just before beginning propagation, when he stood alone opposite to himself in the wilderness, a devil came to him and tried to deceive him. In the Revelation of John, the devil 〜 Satan 〜 dragon which tramples saints, and the angels who guides him or who beats punishment in the world are drawn. There is the Old Testament as a old days thing. Daniel sees a huge angel's vision. That angel had the skin which shone like brass, wearing a waist straw pants, and a leg was faced on the sea, a leg was standing on the land. Ezekiel saw a thing like a spaceship. After that, he was taken out by an angel, and he saw the condition of Israel went astray with his eyes. The matter that these ancient saints experienced it is completely being drawn based on the historical fact. But, an explanation is a little necessary to have everyone understand these. What is the angel As a conclusion, the angel is not the product of the human’s imagination, but it exists. Well, what kind of existence is it? ・・・, you must know structure of the universe, at first. Modern mankind aren't still aware of that structure. Modern astronomy is only just having come to the entrance of the truth still. Hasn't the earthian just noticed that the earth goes around the sun, in Galileo's and Copernicus' age? Though the ancient people had more profound wisdom than moderns・・・. For example, the ground picture of the Nazca tried to introduce that truth (universal structure) to the modern. Well, how is universal structure? It is expressed briefly here. First, the dwellings and territories of the more advanced souls are there in the top of our world (the earth). There are more advanced territories on that upper. Like this, as much as you go up high, the territories which more advanced souls live in spreads out. This is the advanced soul. It is the existence like this. That has the capacity which it doesn't contend with others for. That has the heart which self-control is made in. That doesn't have greed. That doesn't try to control others. That isn't obstinate. That doesn't have the heart of the self-assertion, self-priority. (If it is particularly compared, when a man fell into the crisis, he hopes for nothing except for his life. As it were, he has the comprehension of the nirvana.) Such existence has endless love to others. They have the nature of the heart to hope to want to help them, if there are discords and the people are suffering in the world of the bottom. In the earthians as well, the people who have the affection that they want to go help. When they saw the people injured by the war such as the Middle East, their breast seems to burst, and they can't sit still. As going up more higher such souls climb, they come to have bigger and higher affection. Then, when they reach a certain fixed section, they can't climb the top any further. (This section is the top from the earth by far.) And, they must descend to rescue the souls of the world of the bottom. As it were, they got a rescuer's qualification. Like this, they were raised step by step. Next time, they will descend step by step, and they will work in the territory of the bottom. They sometimes go down to the earth of this solar system in the extreme bottom edge. They are the spirit, and they touch to earthian as the spirit, when they touch to the earthian. Only the human beings whose spiritual level is high can see them. And they sometimes appear through the dream and the vision. When we see such existence from the human position, we call them as the angel. (But, some spirits are the existence which were earthians before. They just come after the death and they contact with the people. They are not angels, but they are the existence recognized as a spirit, ghost.) Then, the heads of the angels are being drawn as a Michael or a Gabriel in the Bible. If it is it. It can say that there are spirits who were earthian before in these angels. Moreover, not only they act as a spirit but also they are born as a human being to act in the earth. But, the spirits who became a human being are forget that who was one before. Although, their mission is to teach the mercy to mankind. What is the devil What is the devil, at all? As a conclusion, the devil is the fictitious existence. It doesn't exist. There are various evils in the human heart. We often try to be famous or rich even though we let down others. More, we often try to put the others under our control, and try to covet food and sex. When we get angry, we exert violence. We have such an emotion, desire, impulse. When a person has this heart, it can be said that "a devil" exists in that person. Therefore, the devil is a matter of human malicious part, and it is a general idea. When Jesus was in the fate to be killed, Apostle's Peter tried to save him from his fate. Then, Jesus called him as "Satan", and said " Go out, Satan". Probably, he was surely perplexed. Why did he reprove the apostle Peter who loved in such a severe tone? It is because, that he is killed was the atonement of the past crime for Jesus. If it isn't payed, his soul can’t clear past karma, his soul can’t become free. In other words, though he didn't want to suffer pain as a human body, he must be saved as a soul as Christ (Savior). Therefore, the thing which suggest ease as a body, it is considered a devil by the God. And the devil whom Jesus met in the wilderness was the thing of vanity in the inside of him. Therefore, that was drawn with a personification as a devil. Conversely, the angels who has the bowl of the disaster are being drawn in the Revelation. That shows that a soul is saved through the physical pain. Because it is so. The devil is convenient existence for the human being. The angel is inconvenient existence for the human being. But, necessarily, it is not that men must not enjoy a life. Each person has each karma. So, not all necessarily carry cruel karma. Then, Even if you carry your karma, it isn't good that you keep blaming yourself too much. (It is necessary that you repent.) If you drive out your own evil, you must take back gentleness. Then, you should communicate with others mildly, you should cope with society. One more truth of the devil Though it was explained that the devil was a general idea in the above, there is a basis in modern writer's and painter's image. That is a Acacic record in human being. That is a thing like safe that the memories of the past life are kept. Because the experiences in the past life are left in it, men remember that vaguely. Several ten thousand years ago, Atlantis civilization prospered, and there was much wicked existence in the earth. They could use a supernatural power like magic every day. Furthermore, much of the earthians of the Atlantis age was half-beast and half-human people such as sphinx and centaur. The devil who has a human body with the goat's horn often drawn in the movie. And the devils who has a horn and a tail are often drawn in the comics. These are fragments of the memories of authors. The half-beasts who had supernatural power were using their power for the malicious things in those days. Try to imagine it. if a man control others and exerted violence and coveted desire, who has a wicked heart in a figure like a monster uses supernatural power, isn’t he just like a real devil? This is floating to the surface of the modern's memory, and devil's image is being made. But, obviously they were human beings though they had the special power and strange body. Summary The earth which we live in is low level territory. Human beings deceive each other, and kill each other, and they are disturbing each other. If we are provoked in such a world, we can't stop having anger and hostility to others. Even the ancient saints fell into such a trap. But, if we have anger and hate to the others, and when we have excessive greed, egoism, vanity, that means that a devil is in us. We must drive out such a devil. In the first place, we may have been angels, just only we forgot it. Then, we must not become devils as well as the low level people, by being provoked by others. In the opposite direction, we must show others who suffers affection, and save them. And we must forgive the people who did harm us. That is our original duty. BACK Copyright (c) 2006 Yasushi All Rights Reserved counter from2017/10/18