Where did the human beings come from? Why are we here? Who are we? (Did human beings evolve from the monkey? / Did alien create human beings?) Darwin's theory of evolution Most of modern mankind is completely believed the thing that the human beings evolved from the monkey. They think that human being evolved from the animal kingdom, and human being is a kind of the animal whose intelligence specially developed. But, they can't explain some things only with that. First, if monkeys evolved to the human being, why do all the monkeys exist at present? Then, why did only monkey have the high intelligence? Why didn't other animals 〜 lion, the elephant and the fish evolve? That is, there are defects in this opinion. On one side, though it is the extreme minority, some people have the opinion that alien operated gene, and created mankind. Most modern people laugh at this opinion, and they will blow it off. Then, even if we try to think this seriously, still there is a defect in this opinion as well. That is, who created that “alien” on earth? Well, the Darwin's theory that mankind evolved from the monkey is still right? Missing links According to the Darwin's theory of evolution, mankind evolved to modern mankind from the primitive man, the primitive man from the monkey. But, missing links makes modern scientists and archeologists have troubles, except for the upper doubt. That is like this. Even though we know the process of the evolution from the primitive man to the modern, the fossil on the way to evolve to the primitive man from the monkey isn't found. In other words, they can't have a conviction that monkey really evolves to the human being. Like this, which opinion we take, a doubt is left. So, still modern can't understand where human beings came from clearly. So that you may understand this, we must try to go back to the ancient times of the genesis. Only, though a conclusion is expressed here first, it can say mankind evolves from the monkey like Darwin said, and moreover mankind created by alien, too. But, as given in the above, there are many doubts in that. That is explained in the following. The first beginning To understand this story, we can't cut out the fact that God exists. However, an abstract theology argument will not be told. You must appreciate God's existence to know a tidy concrete explanation. First, God is not a general idea or the fantasy which a human head created, too. If we compared God to one human being, we human beings are the things like bacteria. Because he is as big existence as that, we such a little existence can't recognize him. That God created innumerable souls in genesis. That is the human archetype. Of course they didn't have a body at that time. They had the body of the soul. How much were they? It is as much as the number of sand of the sandy beach. But, the people of one group of them rebelled against God. Therefore they were as it were made banishment, and isolated. One of their banishment areas was the earth. In other words, the people who came to the earth first were as it were traitors. Furthermore, they were the existence of the soul which don't have a body in yet, in those days But, don't misunderstand. The place that exiled people reached was not only the earth. In the whole universe, such traitors' dwellings are there innumerably. The earth Well, the souls which arrived at the earth are surprised at the beauty of the earth. Then, they began to play with the nature of the earth. They obsessed freely naturally, and enjoyed it because they didn't have a body. Specially, they went into the plant and the animal, and enjoyed that sense. Particularly, the people who went into the animal were fascinated by animal's living and reproductive activities. However, the people who went into the animal became the situations that they can’t get out from the animal. Because they were in too long in the animal, they forgot the consciousness to be the free soul which don't have a body originally. All souls on the earth became such condition soon. Under the condition like this, the existence which was God's children degrades to the animal eternally. Rescue team God watching such a situation gathered capable volunteers out of the children of the treason that was scattered on the whole universe. And he started rescue in the earth. As it were, the people who came with God was angels. But, when it is seen from the earthian's point of view, “they are aliens because they came from the outside of the earth”. Even if it is expressed like this, it is not necessarily wrong. Then, first what they did was to make the vessel which transfer the people who were in the animal. It is because the people who were in the animal were repeating reincarnation from the animal to the animal. Rescuers had to create the body that they are awakened to what they were originally. So that they may escape from the animal's body. Then, God and errands selected a kind of the monkey, anthropoid from every animal on the earth, and they made it evolve by the notion power. They made the tail of it degenerate, made it stand upright and made to walk, made the intelligence of it increased, made the body hair of it dropped. Why the anthropoid was chosen? It is because it's function of the body remind the earth peope of the universal truth. Then, rescuers reminded them of their original source and universal truth by using the intelligence. Because of such a reason, animals except for the monkey didn't evolve. This evolution took about 1000 years. It is a moment when it is seen from the history of the earth of several hundred million though it may look long. Therefore, the fossil of the process to evolve to the primitive man from the monkey isn't found. Earthian Like this, the souls which was in the animals reincarnationed into the human body, and they became human beings. That was the ape-man who evolved. Modern earthians were built like this. Then, even the present day, the human beings' mission doesn't vary. In other words, human beings must find the personal source and universal truth by using the intelligence. That being written here is the thing that we should think, too. You must ascertain that being written here is truth by using your head. (It is truth). And you must notice that you are the existence of love of the soul which was born of God, originally. If it is it, mankind must not hurt and deceive others and must not repeat war. You must think about it with your head. Most people can understand it. Most people are supposed to be able to understand such though it is strange to the modern general public. It is because most of the modern earthians are the rescuers who came later on so that they save people, not the souls of the treason of native earthians. But, you went into the body of the human being and forget that you are the existence of the free love of the soul which was born of God, originally. In the same way of the souls which went into the animal in the earth of genesis and which lost sight of the true source and universal truth. They say that the population of the modern earthian is as 40 hundred million or 50 hundred million. Native earthian is only about 1 hundred million in it. In other words, if it is calculated simply, the population of the modern earthian of 39 hundred million or 49 hundred million are the rescuer that came in the earth later on. They must be awakened to that. That is, when it paraphrases, they shouldn't just deny the existence of God or alien or angels. (It doesn't mean that you should be the monomaniac of cult orders.) First, mankind must affirm God. And the efforts to build peaceful society with no fight are the first steps. That turn on the light in each men's heart. If they do so, they learn to appreciate actual truth that the moderns consider to be mysterious. Summary The story told in the above will be more complicated if it be explained in detail. This was particularly expressed briefly. But, men with the search heart will be able to know all the history of the earth and all the history of universe in detail later on. Though it is repeating, don't forget this. We just forgot where we came from because we went into the human body. Then, it is one of our missions to remember that we forgot it, by our intelligence. BACK Copyright (c) 2006 Yasushi All Rights Reserved counter from2017/10/18