What is the life at all? Why were the human beings born? (The answer from Jesus Christ and Edgar Cayce / The system of the Milky Way) Preface “What is the life at all?” There won't be a question which is often argued as this question. That was repeated since mankind history has begun. For example, a Japanese haiku poet, Bashou Matsuo compare a life to the trip. He said that all the people are travelers. But, if we ask the question to the world “What is life at all?”, various answers will be returned. But, all of them are individual impressions or imaginations. And they are probably not the conclusive answer. Well, are there wise men who can answer the question in the present day? And, are there wise men who answered it in the past? Socrates, Plato, Copernicus, they are a mathematician, a philosopher and an astronomer. They are not the saints. Shakespeare, Dostoevski, they are writers, and they are not the saints. Rudorf Steiner, Emanuel Swedenborg, they are a theosophist or a psychic. Though they express truth, their opinions are difficult, and they missed sometimes. But, there are wise men who answered it precisely. That is explained in the following. Christ and Cayce Should we call Christ a wise man? No, he is a saint. And he is God's incarnation more than a saint. When someone asked him a question, “What is the ultimate precept?”, he answered it like this. "Love your neighbors as like you." In other words, he says “Have mercy to all the people except for oneself." Then, Edgar Cayce was a psychic in the 1900's. When someone asked him like this, "What happens if we can't get over karma?", he answered him "That is the reason why a life exists." In other words, he said “A life is exist to get over karma. But when one doesn't atone completely in one life, he must be reborn and start over the life again to atone. That is the reason why a life exists.” These are ultimate answers. When it is summarized. Men must go through the life in the earth to make up for the past life's mistake and crime. But, they must repeat reincarnation when they can't make up for it completely. Then, the most important principle to go through a life is to have mercy for others 〜 all mankind. How should we get over karma? How can we get over karma? Love ……… It is easy to love the persons who loves us. But, can we love the persons who hates us? We must not hate enemies. Even if we can't have goodwill to them, at least we must throw hate away. Money ……… Millionaires must not make money exclusive possession. God lent such a money to such a people so they must use it for the people whom suffer. The power (fame) ……… You must not have power and fame for the egoism. You should use it to give the world a good influence. Anger ……… Men have the emotion. Therefore, we will sometimes get angry. But, we must get over anger. We must cultivate the character which keep calm even if we get verbal abuse by others. Sex ……… Sexual desire is not evil. But, if we break the law of the sex, we must carry the karma. We must not be drunk in greed. We must control it consciously. Greed ……… We must not covet every other greed, either. We should keep the moderation. Violence, Murder and War ……… It is needless to say, violence is evil, and it brings karma. One will be dragged to the next life by that degree. Therefore, we must never hurt others. The pain and the sorrow ……… Distress is an annexed matter in every person's life as well. Though those sufferings vary by the individual, they must solve them individually. These sufferings must be the origin from the former life. When you face it, you are in the condition which you are receiving the karma. It is being called "the jihad" by the Islam. If a man go through many lives, and his soul is refined as much as not to need to receive it any more. It can say "he got over karma." System to rise up Well, what happens to us when we get over karma and when we don't need to be reborn any more? The people who don't need reincarnation are raised to the heaven. But, don't misunderstand. That is not just to go to the world after the death. The upper world is the material world which obviously exists, too. They will be reborn there, and live as an obvious person. On the other hand, the people who must do reincarnation in this earth again, they must go through the spiritual world, and they must go round the parallel dimension which is the same as the earth. After that they must be reborn in the earth again. But, even if you rise into the heaven, you must be beyond many layer from there more. The person who got over the earth, he just only climbed up one step. In other words, you must get over that dimension more, and you must be raised more. Then, the one who go through many process reaches a big gate at last. (Of course this is a metaphor.) Then, the one who passed through that barrier is reborn in the peaceful dimension, finally. That is as it says commonly, heaven, the kingdom of God, the Land of Happiness. But, we must throw every worldly passions away to pass that gate. Because of this, Buddha taught us "Throw worldly passions away." And, because of this, Christ taught us “It is more easier that a camel passes through the hole of the needle than a rich man passes through the gate of God's kingdom.” The heaven The world like the earth where we live in exists innumerably, in this Galaxy, in the universe. The souls who got over karma are raised from all those stars, and they join with the souls who came from the earth, too. Because they get over all the karma, they cherish others, and they are establishing peaceful society to each other without never hurting others. Therefore, all the inhabitants of the God’s world are good people. Then, the man has a material body, and it has the clear consciousness, and moreover never dies in that territory. We must climb up to this territory. To the upper place moreover Then, even if you reached that heaven, the kingdom of God, the Land of Happiness, that is not the ground of the settlement yet. In other words, the world leads to the upper more still. As for the earth (this solar system), it is in the down world far from upper world. It is only one of the innumerable territories of the bottom edge. Therefore, we must aim at the upper world, without clinging in this world. Let's try to see Buddha's and Christ's word here again. Buddha said. "Throw all worldly passions away." Christ said “I didn't come here to bless you. I came to bring disaster to you.” This is the following meaning. Mankind must throw away the money, fame, greed of the world of this earth, and we must be raised. At the same time, it means that God makes men carry pain to make them expiate karma. But, you must not kill yourself like cult orders, and you must not give up a life and you must not be in despair. Though the earth may be the little thing which it is not worth taking, God creates this earth, and it is the world that God's beauty is reflected. Shouldn't we confirm the beauty of the world, shouldn't we love the neighbors, shouldn't we take care of one life dearly, shouldn't we make effort to accomplish a long life? Summary As mentioned above, the question of “What is Life” can’t be solved if you doesn't understand the universal system and the spirituality. Mankind till now were only and just put superficiality on the desk and argued about it. So they only repeated each vague opinion without finding the true meaning. But, future mankind will come to understand this answer clearly. They will come to grasp the process to reach heaven concretely. It is because it can be explained physically clearly rather than introduced in the above. But, it is within the range of the human three-dimensional ability of understanding. Cayce said "The Bible substituted the limited words for being the unlimited thing which human beings can't understand.” In other words, at the present, only the Bible can tell rightly to mankind about the life the universe and the spirit. Capable psychics will be able to tell us the fragment, but they can’t tell us the information like a thick dictionary. Therefore, only the proper understanding of the Bible is the most effective in mankind, that guides mankind properly, that saves mankind. In the future, mankind will be received the decoding of thing like a code of the Bible, so they will come to understand "What is the life". BACK Copyright (c) 2006 Yasushi All Rights Reserved counter from2017/10/18