Does heaven exist? (The choice is yours that you serve God or live according to the desire.) Moderns Will modern mankind believe heaven? May be, no one will believe in heaven seriously, except for the people who believe in some religion. Well, as expected, do men of religion believe that? They only know that such a general idea is in the instruction. Most of them don't surely know what kind of thing that is. Even the priests of the Christianity, the Judaism, the Islam, the Buddhism and the Hinduism, they probably don’t know what kind of thing that is. They seem to think just that men rises into the heaven when they die. But, that is wrong. Men just only go up to the spiritual world when they die. Therefore, as long as the general people learn from priests, they will keep misunderstanding about the heaven. Charisma Specially, the word of the people who have authority influences the general public. That isn't limited to the word of the man of religion. The people called a charisma, for example, rock'n'rollers. Young men show a tendency to believe rock'n'roller's word. Though John Lennon is a wonderful artist, he is singing in his song "imagine", "Imagine there is no heaven, no hell below us." In this song, he is not saying there is no heaven. But it is obvious that he wasn't believe in both the heaven and the hell. Because, in his song "God", he says repeatedly that God is mere general idea. But read the following. Obviously both heaven and hell exist, and God exists more realistically than us mankind. Modern mankind lost sight of the existence of the heaven because the wrong word of the people who have such an influence was handed down in the earth until now. And, even the people who believe it, they don’t know how they can reach there. And they wandered the history of the earth. Heaven, hell and the earth Well, there are three ways which we should choose. Rises into the heaven, or comes back to the earth, or go down to the hell. A way to "the hell" is wide. It is because if a man killed a man, or if a man did the worst evil thing which is equal to the murder, that man must go down to the hell. Really "a way to ruin is wide". Then, there is a way to "the earth". Rather, the just general people cannot but come back to "the earth". Anyway, most of modern mankind is probably to want to choose this way. Because though they don’t want to go down to the hell, they feel uneasy to go to the unknown heaven too. But, it isn't easy to be reborn in the earth, either. Because men never go back to the earth soon, after death. Men go up to the spiritual world after the death first. Then, the people who don't cleanse their soul completely cannot but be reborn in the earth again. However, before they are reborn in the earth, they must be born in another dimension. They live in the dimension and die there, then they must be reborn in the other dimension. After all they live in 2 or 3 alternate world. After that they return to the earth finally. Moreover, our action is restricted in the other dimension, and we can't live freely as in the earth. Then, when we are reborn in the earth, we have the memory removed again, and become a baby, and we can't know where we are born in, even though it is terrible country. Moreover, because "a trial" is a purpose in the life in the earth, mankind can't have peace heartily, and we must always keep coping with the trouble. A way to the heaven On the other hand, as Jesus saying, a way to the heaven is narrow. First, the soul must be purified to go up there. Moreover, usually we must do reincarnation many times in the earth to purify it. Even if we do like this, we finally get over the earth and go over the spiritual world and we are raised, that is not heaven. That is only the one step up world yet. Man must lead a life in that territory, and he must purify a soul more. Then, if he passes that world safely, he will be reborn in the more upper world. But, this is not heaven yet, either. But, that is the big territory which compare to "the gate to the heaven". When we get it over, that is as it were the heaven, God's kingdom, the paradise. But, before that, men must live on that "gate". After that we come down to the world which looks like the global world very well for a while. (but, it is the upper world from our global world) In other words, it is a thing like the final test to pass through the gate. That is the far gentler world than the earth. But, it becomes severer that we climb the top. In other words, though as we climb up to the top, we reach more wonderful world, a way to more upper world is even narrower. Then, we experience the process as like earthians do in that territory. And if we pass it, we are reborn in "the gate" again. More, if we tide over it safely, finally we can pass through the gate. But, if we are disqualified, we must start over in that world. And if we committed terrible crime, we are dropped to the earth again. God's kingdom, the Land of Happiness Well, what kind of world is the heaven which Jesus called "God's kingdom", which Buddha called “the Land of Happiness”? It is different from the thing which we imagine about that. At the same time, it looks like what we imagine, too. Because, men can't be known that territory consciously, while the memory that men lived in that territory inheres. Therefore, even if we heard the following thing, we feel that can't believe. That other hand, we feel we have ever heard such a story with such a world in a fairy tale. First, the point that the world looks like our world is that men have a body in that territory. A really different point is that they never walk ground by two feet. As it were, they float, and lives. Then, they don't have to worry for food. It is because their food is the energy of the spirit. In other words, they can keep living as long as they keep having the pure heart. Then, they don't have "death". Though there is time to throw a body away and they must be reincarnation, their consciousness never disappears. They can back as if they changed their clothes, and they can meet former acquaintances again. Though the description of such a world will be sound strange, it’s not the fairy tale or the thing of the realm of the dead. The realm of the dead is the spiritual world which belong to the global world, and the area is exist realistically like the earth as well. But, because it is too far from our dimension, we can't go there physically. At the same time, they can't go down to here either. The more upper world Then, though it is more surprising, this "heaven" is not the ground for the eternal peaceful living, either. It is because God is the unlimited existence. So the universe which he created is big as unlimited, too. Therefore, the world called God's kingdom or the Land of Happiness is not the final destination. There are more upper world to the people of this world. So, if even the inhabitant of this world, if they commit a crime, they will be exiled from there, and sent away in the former under world. Actually the people who were exiled from this territory lives in the present earth, without they know it. You may be that one of these people. Well, why Jesus expressed the halfway as God's kingdom? It is because that world is too much far from the earth, and it is the peaceful ground to the low level earthians. First, you must come there. And you have only to think how to rise into the top from it. It is because that is difficult to go there for the earthians. Modern laymen Almost modern earthians live without religion ideology, without knowing God, without knowing universal system, without knowing the meaning of life and purpose. And they live with hurting others and themselves. Then, many people probably think, "we had better keep being in the earth rather than going to the heaven." But, try to think. In this earth, hell is exist. In other words, it is possible that you will be reborn in the ground like the hell, in your next life. Very poor people are hungry in the despotic state and Africa, India, Southeast Asia, now. They are kept away from the convenience of the civilization, and they live uncomfortable life. If they go to the advanced country, it is probably that they will be surprised at electricity, tall buildings, the abundant food. But, crimes, stress, worries are widespread in the advanced country. In other words, hell is exist to the city dwellers as well. In a word, if moderns want to keep being left in the earth, it seems they hope to keep being hungry in very poor country. Rather, we should hope to go to the world where there is no death nor illness, where no short of food, where can live without work, where surrounded by the people who love, where respect each other. If you want to so, you should work to be so for the whole of this earth. So the way to the upper world will be opened. If you purified your soul, if you atone for the crime and you suffers, if you have mercy and do, you will be allowed to stay here or to go up to the heaven. The last judgment Still, if the layman want to stay in the earth, you must know a certain thing. The age of the last judgment is near, to such a people. If the earth filled with the peaceful people, there is no problem. But good people will be raised one after another. And the left people are all scoundrels or the people who don't make up for evil completely, though they look like good men. Then, if they continue the evil, the time of ruin of the earth will come, later on. It doesn't mean that the earth will be disappear. It is said that mankind dies out will be. In other words, we can not live in the earth, eternally. But, you don't need to be afraid. It is because the people who tries to live honestly have much time to avoid it, even if they have hard time. If you know universal law, if you know the meaning of life, and if you do help others, you don't have to be afraid for anything. You must not be confused by society and civilization. Joshua tells the Israeli people like this at the end of "Joshua". “Whether you serve God or you live according to the desire, the choice is yours." In other words, God never forces justice to mankind. He said that it is on us that even though we are poor now, we are glad later, or we covet greed, and we will be ruin after all. BACK Copyright (c) 2006 Yasushi All Rights Reserved counter from2017/10/18