The twin soul (The snake of the garden of Eden / The person who rob by force is robbed by force / One reason of the reincarnation) Inner space Recently, many people began to have interest in the inner space. If you goes to the bookstore, you will see many suspicious books about the inner space are standing. Though those all aren't worthy of trust, not a few books tell us the truth. For example, have you never heard the word of "Soul mate"? It means the person who was close acquaintance in the former life. When we meet that person in this world, we have often mutual understanding. That person is called "soul mate". Sometimes they were a married couple or a parent and child each other in the former life. On the other hand, the people who were only just an acquaintance in the former life are called "soul friend". But, if they were not only just acquaintances before, if they often begin a quarrel, if they don’t know why they confront each other, they may be bad soul friends of the former life. That may not be able to be called a friend any more. The life exists so that such people be reconciled. Or, people of such relations may be included into the family. There are many cases like this. Therefore, quarrel often happens between father and a daughter, a child and parents, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Even if they are parent and child, they may have been a married couple in the former life, or they may have been lovers. Those people may have been betrayed to each other badly in the former life, or they may have been hurt. Therefore even if they are reborn, even if they had a memory removed, they make the emotion of hate to each other. Moreover, if they are the same sexes, they may have been rivals of love, or they may have been enemy soldiers. At any rate, they have the relations of the former life, and they are the relations which must become friends in this life. Twin soul There is a word called "twin soul". It means the souls of the inseparable relations beyond the parent and child, the lover and the married couple. All the human souls are the existences which came from the outside of universe to this earth. They went down from the upper world to here rather than they visited here. At that time, of course souls didn't have body. We came to the territory of this solar system with a state of spirit of the soul body. Then, the thing of the soul doesn't have sex. When it paraphrases, the perfect married couple of one set exists in one soul, and make one existence. Then, the soul has a body when it is born in the earth. Therefore the human being who came to the earth for the first time, "it has no sex." When it paraphrases, it is "intersex". In other words, that person is the existence which have both man sex organ and woman sex organ. (Reference " The intersex people in the present day") Then, as a matter of fact, that is perfect condition as a human being. They don't have a feeling of emptiness which a partner is not there in. And they are supposed to have the sense which is always satisfied. There are such many people in the present day as well. They are never deformity. These people are called intersex in English, and called Androgyne in Greek. Then, they must never do sex with others because they are the condition that a perfect married couple lives in one body. They aren't supposed to have sexual desire, in the first place. Even if they have a sexual urge, they can restrict it. If they want to get married, they are deceived by the world. If they do sex their soul will be separated. In other words, a perfect state of married couple is broken, and the peace of the heart disappears, too. Then, when they are reborn next time, that one human being become man's and woman's two bodies of human beings. Well, almost all of the human beings who are on the earth are men, and women. It means that all has followed the process of this crime. If it says in the opposite direction, all mankind surely has half twin soul of their own. You must not make fun of sex If they meet as the man and woman as strangers in their life, if they fall in love and they get married, that becomes the best couple. When two people meet, they will feel a destiny each other, then, they will be fascinated each other. Still, two people may be repel with each other, because of the crime in the former life. And these two people aren't always born as the man and woman again in the same time. Twins' soul is sometimes their parent, and it is sometimes a child. But, we don't know who is our twin soul. Therefore, we must do a romantic overture carefully. if they do sex with others easily, this balance collapses again. Then, if they do sex with many others, that becomes complicated like the woolen yarn caught. Then, that become more complex human relation, and they can’t find their own twin soul, and they suffer, at the next life. Therefore, we the man and woman must keep purity until we get married. Though moderns call people with no sex experience " cherry " or "virgin" and sneers and insults them, it is worthy of divine punishment to themselves, it is rude to others and to God. Though such doesn't occur in the religious Christian and the Muslim, especially the modern Westerners don't notice it, because their degeneration of the sex is especially serious like former evil Atlantis people. The snake of the garden of Eden When this is paraphrased, it can say that the present day is in such a condition that many snakes tempt small number of “Adam and Eve”. You will know the story of Adam and Eve. They were seduced to the snake, and eat the fruit of the tree of the prohibition, and they are thrown out of Eden. This story is being told with a metaphor. It means that twins souls were seduced by the people in the outside, and they did sex with others, and they lost calmness which is in inside as before. In other words, twin souls and married couple were forgiven for the sexual intercourse and they can feel the peace of the heart. But if they mistake that such a pleasure is much exist in the world and they try sex with many others, they lose harmony, and that causes cruel despair instead of the pleasure. Then, they are exiled from "the garden of Eden" of the peace of the heart. Why do many modern young men commit suicides? It is because many people made such a mistake and were tormented by despair. The person who rob by force is robbed by force The thing writing as following, all mankind must never forget it. Read this especially carefully. :All human’s soul is one, and each has the men’s and women’s twin soul. If you recommend free sex and if you rob someone's partner by force, your partner may be robbed by force by someone. If you recommend someone to do adultery, he may attack your twin soul. You can't say that such never happen. Therefore, you must not incite adultery to someone. And you yourself must be careful of the action, too. Saint "Sex" and "Saint (Purity)" are the same pronunciation in Japanese. It is called “Sei”. The unity of the twin soul doesn't dirty, but it approaches more perfectly. Therefore, sex is purity, from the first. That is not a thing that can't be told in the public. Because the moderns catch free sex and adultery as "the sex", they think it is guilty. First, we must make them abolish African polygamy system. And we must make them renew the lawlessness of the American’s sex. Then, we must stop prostitution. And we must make proper sex education to children. That is the first step of the progress of the earthians. The instruction of Jesus At present, you who regrets that you married with the wrong partner. You who did adultery and who thinks that you can't recover it. Such a people restart a life from the present. But, you must not got divorced if you got married once. It has a meaning that you were united. There is such a instruction of Jesus. "The man who gets divorced except for the reason that a wife had an affair makes her commit adultery. The man who marry the woman who got divorced is commit adultery.” And, the person who regret adultery must stop repeating a crime any further. Then, if you repent and you blame yourself, you should stop blaming yourself, should liberate yourself, should live positively. Because, “if you keep locking yourself up in the prison of the heart, that is a crime as much as to commit a crime.” In the famous scene of the Bible, for the above reason, Jesus liberated the woman who was in the destiny of the punishment to kill with the stone because of a crime of adultery. One reason of the reincarnation Almost all of the modern earthians have the sex of the man and the woman. Because tangle of relationship between man and woman became complicated in that long history. To disentangle the thread which became entangled, we must search the route which we followed, again. In other words, the people in the impure relations in the former life must be reconciled in this life, without sexual relation. But, we don't find our partner in consciously. Therefore, we must harmonize with all the person which we meet. As the proverb says “All the people whom we meet are on the connection of the past life”. And, we don't have only to harmonize with the opposite sex. Former life's lovers may appear as not the opposite sex but same sex, in this life. Then, this can be apply in not only assailant but also the victim. Such a people must forgive the person who damaged themselves. There is such a phrase of the prayer which Jesus taught to the apostles. “Mentor, please forgive our crime that we committed. We forgive a person who has the debt to us, too.” We are not only a victim, but also we were surely an assailant in somewhere. If you doesn't want to suffer that punishment, you should have the heart to forgive the others. True love To harmonize with our twin soul in one life is very important thing for we earthians. But, please remember, love is not the word which points just only personal thing. We should catch it as being concerning universal thing, world wide thing. Rather, the system of the reincarnation is exist for that. We got off to this earth to save the surrounding ignorant people and the people who suffer. For that sake, we split, and we are worried about loneliness, and we are suffering from emptiness. We must make our society with no war and murder. We must establish society without deceit, the violence. Then, we must fight against our miscellaneous problem to come from personal karma. Then, we must keep act, and continue to reincarnation. And if our soul become the existence of pure love like the time when we came to the earth before, the soul which broke up becomes one again, and it is raised and go back to the heaven. BACK Copyright (c) 2006 Yasushi All Rights Reserved from2017/10/18