Does hell exist? (Is the earth as hell, too? / Comparison with the garden of Eden) The modern's general idea of hell Every earthian will know the word "hell". And, when the people met a difficult situation, they sometimes say "It looks like hell." Just like they have ever seen hell before. But, if someone asked a question to them, “Does hell really exist?”, no one will be able to answer convincingly. They will say "I think that there is hell", or “It is the idea which human heart created”. As it were, all people suspects it. Then, the people are making various art to express it, though they are doubting whether it exists. Classical literatures and pictures often made hell a theme. The hell image of the Orient, specially Yama great king is in the image of the Japanese hell. Then, the people who fell in the hell are drowned in the pond of the blood, and they are made to walk the mountain of the needle, and they are suffering. In the image of the hell, there is the great king of the hell or devils. So general common sense people stop believing the hell, because it seems to be funny. And because fathers can't explain it clearly, it is an unreliable thing for the student who goes to the theological school. The priests of the Buddhism seem to have the idea of the hell. But no one won't explain it clearly. In other words, men of religion image it from nothing but the thing being written in the book. Or they have that idea by the instruction succeeded to from the teacher. The metaphor which Jesus told Well, doesn't hell really exist? Conclusion is "Hell exists." It exists clearly as this earth exists. It is not concept nor the product of the human imagination. Jesus was the person who knew the universe well. But, he knew what the general public couldn't understand it, though he explained about profound truth or universal system. (We must read the book of the amount of information of the encyclopedia to understand it.) Therefore he told allegories. In a allegory, he said, “It is better you lose an arm than you are dropped to the Gehena with the perfect body.” This "Gehena" mean "hell". In other words, even if you suffers big punishment on the earth, it is better than fall to the hell. Hell is as cruel place as that. Well, actually, what kind of place is the hell? Actual hell When a man did the murder, or when a man did what was cruelty equal to the murder, he is dropped to the hell. In other words, devils goes down to the territory of the hell after the death. That is not the mere spiritual world. The world after the death has every dimension. And it may sound strange, the world of the third dimension which is one of every dimension is this earth. But, there is the territory which doesn't apply to every dimension. In other words, there is few weak territory where can't be said as dimension. That is the territory which we are calling it hell commonly to. As said in the above, only devils are dropped there. Therefore, only devils lives there. Well, what is "the devil", it can be expressed with 1 word as "the egoist". As it were, gathering of the people who gives priority to itself, or the people who don't have consideration for others at all is the hell. In such a territory, no one is helped even if someone is suffering, even if oneself is suffering no one helps the one. Then, the people whose power is strong oppresses weak people, and persecute them. And discriminatory society can exist for the people whose power is strong. (Though the power that they have is the spirit power.) But, such life doesn't follow eternally. They lead the life of the time of pain like eternity. But when that life ends in their dimension, they die in that world, and they are reborn in that world again. Then, the strong soul who oppressed others before is weak by nature, (Because the spirit power was wasted in the former life.) and comes to be oppressed by the other stronger soul. Then, that strong soul becomes weak by reincarnation, such a circulation is repeated. And the people are troubled to each other, and the world of hell is being created. That is hell. This is the time when it seems to be eternity for them. Therefore, this dimension is a thing like scoundrels' prison. At the same time, it is a place to learn for them. They must awake. In such society, oppressed people come to unite, and fight to the strong. In other words, many weak gather and they come to repulse the strong. Then, they realize themselves that they are disgusted at such a quarrel. And they realize that the spirit power or the control power are not real strength. At that time, they are released from the dimension of the hell. Then, the released people are recognized as the soul who repented. And they are raised to the upper world again. That upper world is this earth. The people who climbed from the hell Therefore, there are many souls who climbed from the hell and who came in this earth, even at present. Many souls, no, most of souls who live in the earth went up from the hell. May be about 80% of the people are so at 2000 A.D. present. Why are there many like this? Because in the earth in recent years, many human beings became assailants by the war next to the war. War leaders and soldiers, the murderer and evil rape criminals are made to fall to the hell after the death, even at present. Ordinary men think like this. "Such doesn't occur in me." But, if you are born under the wartime, won't you be involved in the fight? If you suffers something cruel by others, you will try to beat cruel person, by the justice to protect the person who you love. Still, if you kill a person, you are taken to the hell. Such a people lived in the hell, and they repented, and they came back to the earth. However, anger inheres in their soul. Even if they became earthians, they often provided violence. Such is one reason that the earth is the place of the fight. If we can understand this fact, we will come to stop fights consciously. The earth seen from the more upper world But, try to think. Don't you think that the state of such earth look like a state of the hell as above? People with the money and the power are rampant, poor people are oppressed. Then, that is really hell, for the people who live in the battlefield of the Middle East or Africa, and so on. Though this is the fact that there is no lie, we can make hell on this earth as well. Even if that is not the battlefield, hell is sometimes made in the man's heart who is surrounded by the people with no mercy. Then, it is an obvious thing, this earth is considered "hell" by the inhabitants of the upper world. Because in the earth, World War 1, World War 2, the Vietnam War, the Iraqi war, etc, occurred, the other war broke out innumerably, and they kill each other, and the most of people doesn't have no consideration to others. Then, when the people who live in the upper territory commit a big crime, the earth (this solar system) is one of the territories which they are dropped to. The garden of Eden The garden of Eden where there was Adam and Eve before. Probably, most of people think it’s a fairy tale. But, the story of garden of Eden is the historical fact which was on this earth actually. When it says easily, there was an age when this earth was paradise before. The people didn't need to work, and never short food, without worrying about the partner, without fear of the death, without illness. Such a world was actually on this earth before. But it was far the old days. Then, that didn't necessarily become paradise naturally. It is because the master who is God came to this earth. Then, the world of the peace was completed as a result that the world was improved by a master's action. Still, Adam and Eve committed a crime, they left paradise, as you know. In other words, by human being's having committed a crime, peace was lost. Conversely, if we keep fight and hate each other and damage each other, paradise won't come forever. Well, if fight is stopped from the earth, does the earth become paradise? The answer is yes. But, the history of the earth is bigger than the measure which a human being thinks about. It is not necessarily it becomes the paradise today or tomorrow. By the efforts But, we can make the paradise of the peace in us, as hell may be formed in the human heart. At first, we must clear our own evil and crime and hate, greed, adultery, mercyless. And if we remembered love and hope, if we start the activities to save the people who suffer, peace and love will grow in the heart of the person saved by us. Even if we are under the wartime, even if we are in the miserable circumstances, even if we are hard, peace and love appear in our own as well. BACK Copyright (c) 2006 Yasushi All Rights Reserved from2017/10/18