The preventive of the suicide (Be clever like a snake, and be obedient like a pigeon / repent sex ethics) Read Kindle: Vaticination of Love Volume1 Present condition They say that the number of the deceased of traffic accident of one year reaches about 10000 in modern Japan. It is much large quantity that 10000 people die in the accident every year. Don't you think that it is awful? Then, it is said that the number of suicides in one year much exceeds that. If we total the number of suicides in the world, it will be the exorbitant number. In this world, many people live uneventfully in the peace, and they don't think to kill themselves. But, many people are supposed to have the big or a little worry. Then, just a few people in the whole are trifled with worry, and they can't but think about it any more, and they break off their life themselves. In Japan, the people who followed at the site about suicide in the internet had killed themselves. In America, a cult order had ever committed mass suicide as the group. In South Korea, the suicides of the popular stars became topics before. It will be clear up here, the matter why the people commit the suicide, and why a suicide is improper. The suicide's mind The cause of the suicide may be like this, about money, business, illness, human relations, loneliness, love problem, and so on. Because they despair of the world and they come to think to vanish themselves, so they kill themselves. Such a people, no, all the mankind don't know why does this world exist, and what kind of system can this world exist on, and why the life exists. Specially, suicides takes such action because they doesn't know about it. They think that if they kill themselves all worries and individuals will vanishs. But it’s wrong. On the other side, the Islamic Fundamentalism people who do a suicide blast believe that the dead people who fought can go to the heaven. Though "The dead person who fought can go to the heaven." is being written to "Edda" of the Norse mythology as well. But that is being written with a metaphor. You should never catch that with a surface meaning. Do men disappear when it dies as expected? It’s not so. But, if men keeps having the self-consciousness of the worry after the death, doesn't it seem to be unlimited hell? And, when men dies, he doesn't necessarily always go to the heaven soon. Specially, suicide terrorists is not good but evil, they cannot go to the heaven. Well, what happens to the suicides? Then, what happens to the general dead person? The system of this world In the first place, why is human being born in this world? May not be a few people are angry. Because, though they didn't want to be born, they were made born by force. But, all the people who exist at present in this world, they are the people who had to be born, even if they hope it or not. Why must they be born? That is for starting over. In other words, the people who killed someone or who acted heartlessly, or who couldn’t have sacred heart in the past life, must be reborn again and start over their life. Such a people must mend many times and again, until their soul is reformed, so they are born in this world. And, a little of the people is born in this world so that they just support such a people. This is the actual posture of the human being in this world. Well, the person who didn't commit a crime in the life and who became existence of love, can they go to the heaven? The answer is yes perhaps. But, the system of the rise isn't simple. As for the people except for that, they don't always come back soon in this world. Terrible evil people are dropped to a dimension so-called "hell". Well, what happens to the people in the middle. The people who is not a terrible evil, or who is not a saint, neither. Aren't most modern human beings equal to this? They are sent to the middle of the spiritual world. It is not heaven or hell. Though this system isn't simple, either, that soul is sent back to the earth again after that. Then, a new life is repeated. The reason why suicide is disadvantageous. Temporarily, it is supposed that there is a person who tries to kill himself at present. He carries a worry, as much as he can't hold. And he wants to vanish himself. But, possibly, he had a worry, as much as he can't hold, and he committed suicide so as to vanish himself, in the past life. Because of that, his worry is carried over and he has this life on that. You will know that suicide doesn't be the solution of the worry. Well, what should we do to get rid of the worry? The defilement of the modern society Modern society is the dirtiest age in history of the earth in recent years. Human beings losing sex ethics, and control others, and dull people becomes rich, and scoundrels becomes rulers, and the war isn't stopped. If a man living in such society, and he isn't disgusted at this world, he is something wrong. It is the present day, the much sensitive people becomes withdrawal state, and they come to think about suicide. Therefore, it may be able to be said that the man who despair in this world is rather normal. But, as mentioned, not a few people who was born in this world was sent to reform such society. In other words, you who despairs of this world may be one person that was sent by the God. Because the world is dirty, such people are born in this earth. Policemen are more necessary for the dangerous town than the safe town. Jesus was said like this. “Go. I send the flock of lambs into the wolves”. "Be clever like a snake, and be obedient like a pigeon". In other words, in this heartless cold world, we must elude it with calculating wisdom trying not to lose purity. If you are delicate, it has virtue. Modest men should be proud of oneself. “Who makes oneself low is raised”. Repent sex ethics They say that specially there are many young woman's attempted suicides in the modern society. That cause originates in "the sex". They do easy sex, and they defiled themselves. And they believe that they can’t recover it. So they try to commit suicide. Though it is unexpected, as for "the sex", it is deeply connected with the life and the death. Though anyone will be able to understand that there are relations with the sex and the life because baby is born by the sex, no one knows there are relations with the sex and the death. As a matter of fact, the concept of the death was enacted in the genesis, because human being degenerated by the sex. Therefore, if it says in the opposite direction, the one way to take back the brightness in our heart is to purify the sex. To purify the sex is meaning that never do the sex except between the married couple. At first, the necessity for the any modern people is to stop the sexual crime. If you do so, you may think that it is wonder, the despair and the desires for the death will almost disappear. Hope Then, an important key word is "hope". If only hope can be found, light is full of the hearts. For that sake, you don't pay attention only to yourself, turn your eyes to the others. First, you must stop hating the people who hurt you. Though it is not easy, you should understand that cruel people are pitiful little existence. Next, you should have the heart to be considerate for the people of the world who are suffering than you. If you have the heart to be considerate of others who is suffering…. This is the love. If only there is love in your heart, that becomes light, and it is probably to wipe away your worry. Solution Lately, they say that there are many internet sites to recommend the suicide, and many people follows it and kill themselves. Well, conversely, if there is any information which gives them hope, won't suicides decrease markedly? If you introduce the above theory, that little function becomes a good deed, and yourself may be saved. And, including the modern Christian, most of human on the ground doesn't believe reincarnation. Even if they believe it, they think that human being sometimes reborn as the creature except for the human being, like the animals or the insects. Then, it is the present condition that no one knows the system of reincarnation. Though all the people who despaired may not be able to be saved, only spreads out this fact that "the human being are repeating reincarnation" to the world, so suicides will decrease markedly. Please approve bad English translated sentence BACK Copyright (c) 2006 Yasushi All Rights Reserved counter from2017.10.19